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Dr. James Reecy

James Reecy

  • Professor
  • Animal Science
Research Interests
Regulation of gene expression, gene discovery, skeletal muscle growth, microarray analysis

Bioinformatics – Development of livestock genomics databases to facilitate discovery of gene function; Annotation of the cattle genome
Functional and Structural Genomics-- Identification of genes controlling skeletal muscle growth and development; Application of whole genome selection methodology to improve healthfulness of beef, resistance to disease, and growth.
Research Description
My research interests cut across Animal Science, Genetics, and Information Sciences. This research is driven by fundamental scientific questions or important practical problems such as the following:

How can we facilitate the discovery of gene function?
How can we build useful tools/databases to aid molecular geneticists?
How can we develop ontologies to facilitate effective communication between scientists?
How can we identify molecular markers that are associated with traits of interest?
How can we use whole genome selection to improve society (e.g. can we select for the production of food that is healthier to eat)?
Can we identify livestock species specific genes?
Recent Publications
Yang XR, Yu B, Mao XB, Zheng P, He J, Yu J, He Y, Reecy JM, Chen DW: Lean and obese pig breeds exhibit differences in prenatal gene expression profiles of muscle development. Animal: an international journal of animal bioscience 2015, 9(1):28-34.

Bickhard DM, Hutchinson JL, Schnabel RD, Taylor JF, Reecy JM, Schroeder S, Van Tassel CP, Sonsstegard TS, Liu GE: RAPTR-SV: a hybrid method for the detection of structural variants. Bioinformatics 2015, Feb. 16 [Epub ahead of Print]

Yang X, Koltes JE, Park CA, Chen D, ReecyJM: Gene co-expression network analysis provides novel insight into myostatin regulation at three different mouse developmental timepoints. PLoS One2015, 10(2):e0117607.

Duan Q, Tait RG, Jr., Schneider MJ, Beitz DC, Wheeler TL, Shackelford SD, Cundiff LV, Reecy JM: Sire breed effect on beef longissimus mineral concentrations and their relationships with carcass and palatability traits. Meat Sci 2015, 106:25-30.

Andersson L, Archibald AL, Bottema CD, Brauning R, Burgess SC, Burt DW, Casas E, Cheng HH, Clarke L, Couldrey Cet al: Coordinated international action to accelerate genome-to-phenome with FAANG, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes project. Genome Biol 2015, 16(1):57.

Smedley D, Haider S, Durinck S, Pandini L, Provero P, Allen J, Arnaiz O, Awedh MH, Baldock R, Barbiera Get al: The BioMart community portal: an innovative alternative to large, centralized data repositories. Nucleic Acids Res 2015.

Tizioto PC, Taylor JF, Decker JE, Gromboni CF, Mudadu MA, Schnabel RD, Coutinho LL, Mourao GB, Oliveira PS, Souza MMet al: Detection of quantitative trait loci for mineral content of Nelore longissimus dorsi muscle. Genet Sel Evol 2015, 47(1):15.

Koltes JE, Kumar D, Kataria RS, Cooper V, Reecy JM: Transcriptional profiling of PRKG2-null growth plate identifies putative down-stream targets of PRKG2. BMC Res Notes 2015, 8(1):177.

Contact Info

2255 Kildee Hall
Social Media and Websites


  • Ph.D., Animal Science, Purdue University, 1995
  • M.S., Animal Science, University of Missouri-Columbia, 1992
  • B.S., Animal Science, South Dakota State University, 1990