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Phil Gauger

Phillip Gauger

  • Associate Professor
  • Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine
I am an associate professor in the VDPAM department and section leader of the molecular, virology and HATS section at the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (ISU VDL) and diagnostic pathologist. The ISU VDL is a rich and extensive source of virus and bacterial sequence information that rarely gets analyzed and reported as formal publications or utilized to provide information to clients and producers in production agriculture. Plans are to utilize BCB graduate students to create a website that allows reporting of ISU VDL sequence information on a routine basis and periodically publish this information.

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1575 Vet Med


  • Ph.D., VMPM, ISU, 2012

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Research areas of interest and expertise have included:

  • Influenza A virus infections and genetic diversity in swine. This includes understanding how sequence/protein information and bioinformatics can assist prediction of virus evolution, cross-protection between viruses and vaccines, and emergence of novel viruses.
  • I have an interest in developing computational tools to help evaluate virus sequences, characterize antigenic diversity, cross-protection and vaccine development.
  • Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in swine, sequence and bioinformatics to monitor virus evolution, vaccine development, pathology, pathogenesis, and control. Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), sequence and bioinformatics to monitor virus evolution, vaccine immunity and cross-protection against contemporary PRRSV strains in swine. Diagnostic assay development related to production agriculture viral diseases.

I am currently Co-major professor for Michael Zeller in the BCB program. I have also hosted two BCB students with Dr. Amy Vincent (Michael Zeller and Naihui Zhou) in BCB rotations where students evaluated twelve years of influenza sequence and metadata from the ISU VDL for publication and creating the website with Michael. These rotations can be expanded to include evaluating sequences for additional animal pathogens of economic significance to the United States. I was recently awarded a grant (June, 2016) with several collaborators in the BCB program through the presidential initiative for interdisciplinary research (PIIR) at ISU for our proposal titled Development and integration of bioinformatics tools to characterize, monitor, and rapidly recognize emerging influenza viruses in swine through data driven science. This proposal highlights my goals of establishing the ISU VDL as a bioinformatics resource for researchers, veterinarians and producers as an approach to enhance our efforts to monitor influenza virus evolution, antigenic diversity and control.

My research interests are primarily focused on production livestock viruses. I also have extensive and ongoing research collaboration with scientists at the National Animal Disease Center that focuses on swine viral diseases, in particular influenza A virus in swine that includes the epidemiology, ecology and control of the virus. Laboratory space is available at ISU and at the NADC facility for research and animal studies.



Abente EJ, Santos J, Lewis NS, Gauger PC, Stratton J, Skepner E, Anderson TK, Rajão DS, Perez DR, Vincent AL. The molecular determinants of antibody recognition and antigenic drift in the H3 hemagglutinin of swine influenza A virus. J Virol. Accepted.

Rajão DS, Gauger PC, Anderson TK, Lewis NS, Abente EJ, Killian ML, Perez DR, Sutton TC, Zhang J, Vincent AL. Novel Reassortant Human-Like H3N2 and H3N1 Influenza A Viruses Detected in Pigs Are Virulent and Antigenically Distinct from Swine Viruses Endemic to the United States. J Virol. 2015 Nov;89(22):11213-22.

Abente EJ, Anderson TK, Rajao DS, Swenson S, Gauger PC, Vincent AL. The avian-origin H3N2 canine influenza virus that recently emerged in the United States has limited replication in swine. Influenza Other Respir Viruses, doi: 10.1111/irv.12395, 2016.

Rajao DS, Sandbulte MR, Gauger PC, Kitikoon P, Platt R, Roth JA, Perez DR, Loving CL, Vincent AL. Heterologous challenge in the presence of maternally-derived antibodies results in vaccine-associated enhanced respiratory disease in weaned piglets. Virology, 491:79-88, 2016.

Gauger PC, Loving CL, Khurana S, Lorusso A, Perez DR, Kehrli ME Jr, Roth JA, Golding H, Vincent AL. Live attenuated influenza A virus vaccine protects against A(H1N1)pdm09 heterologous challenge without vaccine associated enhanced respiratory disease. Virology, 28;471-473C:93-104, 2014.

Khurana S, Loving CL, Manischewitz J, King LR, Gauger PC, Henningson J, Vincent AL, Golding H. Vaccine-induced anti-HA2 antibodies promote virus fusion and enhance influenza virus respiratory disease. Science Translational Medicine, 5(200):200ra114, 2013.

Palinski RM, Chen Z, Henningson JN, Lang Y, Rowland RR, Fang Y, Prickett J, Gauger PC, Hause BM. Widespread detection and characterization of porcine parainfluenza virus 1 in pigs in the USA. J Gen Virol, 97(2):281-6, 2016.

Hause BM, Collin EA, Peddireddi L, Yuan F, Chen Z, Hesse RA, Gauger PC, Clement T, Fang Y, Anderson G. Discovery of a novel putative atypical porcine pestivirus in pigs in the USA. J Gen Virol. 2015 Oct;96(10):2994-8.

Gauger PC, Vincent AL. Serum virus neutralization assay for detection and quantitation of serum-neutralizing antibodies to influenza A virus in swine. Methods Mol Biol, 1161:313-24, 2014.

Gauger PC, Loving CL, Vincent AL. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of serum or mucosal isotype-specific IgG and IgA whole-virus antibody to influenza A virus in swine. Methods Mol Biol, 1161:303-12, 2014.

Madson DM, Magstadt DR, Arruda PH, Hoang H, Sun D, Bower LP, Bhandari M, Burrough ER, Gauger PC, Pillatzki AE, Stevenson GW, Wilberts BL, Brodie J, Harmon KM, Wang C, Main RG, Zhang J, Yoon KJ. Pathogenesis of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus isolate (US/IA/18984/2013) in 3-week-old weaned pigs. Vet Microbiol, 7;174(1-2):60-68, 2014.

Chen Q, Li G, Stasko J, Thomas JT, Stensland WR, Pillatzki AE, Gauger PC, Schwartz KJ, Madson D, Yoon KJ, Stevenson GW, Burrough ER, Harmon KM, Main RG, Zhang J. Isolation and characterization of porcine epidemic diarrhea viruses associated with the 2013 disease outbreak among swine in the United States. J Clin Microbiol, 52(1):234-243, 2014.

Loving CL, Lager KM, Vincent AL, Brockmeier SL, Gauger PC, Anderson TK, Kitikoon P, Perez DR, Kehrli ME Jr. Efficacy in pigs of inactivated and live attenuated influenza virus vaccines against infection and transmission of an emerging H3N2 similar to the 2011-2012 H3N2v. J Virol, 87(17):9895-9903, 2013.